Sora Schools

A school that's build around you

The Challenge

Learning for the 21st century

The traditional methods of rote memorization, one-directional lecturing, and test-taking may have worked in the past, but they no longer suffice.

Bringing school into the 21st century is essential for preparing students for the modern world. We need to rethink the way we learn and how we can help students become creative, resourceful, and curious adults.

That's where Sora comes in.

As a remote-first middle and high school, Sora's mission is to empower students by allowing them to lead their own exploration of topics they're passionate about.

We partnered with Sora in 2022 to redesign the school experience starting with Sora Home - the digital platform for studying at Sora.

The Idea

A home base for learning

Sora Home is the central digital platform for all learning at Sora.

We designed the experience of Sora Home with four guiding principles in mind:

1. Intuitive - Students and parents should be able to jump in with a minimal learning curve.

2. Nudging - Sora provides students with a high degree of freedom but also guides them in potentially suitable directions while keeping the student in control.

3. Inspiring - Sora is based on learning through engaging expeditions, such as exploring the impact of AI on art and humanity. We wanted to highlight the importance and value of these expeditions.

4. Communal - One of the key elements of Sora is the community of students. While much of the interaction takes place in chat rooms and video calls, we wanted Sora Home to serve as a central hub for school-related social activity.

In addition to Sora Home, we worked with the team to re-design the brand of Sora to reflect the weird and wonderful spirit of the school.


The Team

Sora team - Founders, CXO's, specialists

Partners - Matias Vaara, Petri Heiskanen, Duotone, Risto Lähdesmäki, Victor Janhagen.